Now Hiring: Casual hospitality positions
We are hiring Casual hospitality positions at Prancing Pony Brewery, in the Adelaide Hills. Leading into the busier months, we...
Winter Solstice (Yule) is a traditional celebration of the ‘sun’s rebirth’.
In the Norther hemisphere, the Winter Solstice it is around the 21st to 23rd of December. It marks the time...
Now Hiring: Sales Business Development Manager – Key position
We are hiring a Sales Business Development Manger at Prancing Pony Brewery. Location: Prancing Pony Brewery – 42 Mt Barker...
Now Hiring: Brewery Assistant – All-rounder
We are hiring a Brewery Assistant / All rounder at Prancing Pony Brewery. Location: Prancing Pony Brewery – 42 Mt...
Hop Water – A refreshing sparkling minerally hopped infused water, with zero alcohol and zero sugar.
At the Pony, we regularly discuss new products, what we do next. We observe the emergence of non-alc and low-alc beers....
Berliner Weisse launch party
This Saturday night, November 18, we are celebrating the launch of our Berliner Weisse collaboration with Beerenberg with a Berliner...