In the Norther hemisphere, the Winter Solstice it is around the 21st to 23rd of December. It marks the time when it gets dark and it is cold and the celebrations honour the symbols of fire, life and the rising sun and moon. It marks the longest night and shortest day. In Australia, the Winter Solstice is between the 21st and 23rd of June. At the Pony we usually celebrate this on the Saturday closest to that date.
What is the Winter Solstice?
The Winter Solstice is celebrated in many ways and in many cultures. It includes the hanging of evergreens and mistletoes, the lighting of candles, and the burning of the Yule log. Additionally, people form circles and sing songs. Many mythologies and traditions celebrating Winter Solstice date back to Neolithic times. In fact, you may call them the ‘dreaming’ stories of the people who lived in the Northern hemisphere at that time.
What it means to Frank and Corinna
For us, the Winter Solstice it’s a time of reflection and celebrating that from now on, the days become longer again. The sun will warm the earth and breathe life into all living things. A reflection on the year gone past. The good, the bad and the things that we wish away, to make place for better memories to fill that space.
For Frank and Corinna, Winter Solstice holds special meaning. In Corinna’s life, she celebrated it by gathering around a huge log fire, sharing the last apple of the year, and burning the ‘straw witch’ to cast away all the bad and dark things in life, symbolizing a new start. Corinna’s grandmother introduced her to these Alemannic traditions when she was a child. Living a simple life in the Swiss Alps (Bern), Corinna’s grandmother passed down these traditions from her ancestors.
After moving to Australia in 1982, Frank and Corinna continued this tradition privately. However, for the past 12 years, we have held bonfires and burned a straw witch at the Pony. We want to honor these traditions and share them with our customers.
The celebrations at the Brewery Restaurant
We invite all our patrons to celebrate the Winter Solstice with us. This event offers an opportunity to cast away the bad things that this year may have brought and a chance to look forward to a new year and a new beginning.
Please note, the burning of the witch is a symbolic gesture. It is a personal family tradition and does not depict a person or gender, nor is it in any way demeaning to people’s culture and beliefs. It is simply a family tradition that we like to share with you.
We will light up the fire pit at around 4pm. Then, at 6:30pm, we will start with burning the witch. Additionally, we have some sticky notes, and we encourage you to write something that you would like to wish away and pin the note on the witch.
Safety comes first. If there is a strong wind or if it rains heavily, we may have to burn the witch on another occasion. Marshmallow roasting will be available for the kids again, weather permitting. Thank you for joining in our ritual.